Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kelly & Matt

The best way to describe it? Wow!! What a transformation the Mendel Center went through in preparation for this amazing couple. Like stepping into another world. It was so much fun just to be there not to mention the blast we had filming the wedding and reception. The ultimate dream wedding. Kelly and Matt make such a great couple and their families are wonderful people. Thank you for inviting us along. At the end of the night we pinched ourselves, then clicked our heels three times 'cause that was the only way to get home.

Kelly & Matt from All Star Productions on Vimeo.


  1. What an incredible wedding, nice job capturing the incredible transformation the Mendel Center went through!

  2. Thanks Ben, it was pretty incredible walking into the reception that night. I was glad I was there to film and not decorate.

    Thanks again,

